Monday, April 4, 2022

Instagram / YouTube 2022

 My YouTube:

My Instagram:

Yellowhammer / Emberiza citrinella / Gulspurv

A male Yellowhammer jumping around our feeding station.

En hann gulspurv, som hopper rundt rundt på foringsplassen.

Holmestrand, Norway, 2022

Common Blue / Polyommatus icarus / Tiriltungeblåvinge

More butterflies to come!

Flere sommerfugler skal det bli!

Sandvika, Norway, 2019

Great Egret / Ardea alba / Egretthegre

A Great Egret walking around in the wet Cypress woods of Corkscrew Sanctuary.

En egretthegre spankulerende i våtmarkene i sypresskogen i det flotte reservatet Corkscrew Sanctuary,

Naples, Florida, USA, mar 2022

Barnacle Goose / Branta leucopsis / Hvitkinngås

Stretching the wing just for the photegrapher?

Strekker den på vingen bare for fotografen?

Fornebu, Bærum, 2014

Ring-necked (Common) Pheasant / Phasianus colchicus / Fasan

Fantastic colours on this male pheasant on a bird feeding station

Utrolige fargespill i fjærene på denne fasanen på en foringsplass

Holmestrand, Norway, mar 2022

Serendib Scops-owl Otus thilohoffmanni / Serendibugle

One of the rarest bird we have seen, newly discovered in some rainforest patches in Sri Lanka!

En av de sjeldneste fuglene vi har sett, nylig oppdaget i noen rester av regnskog på Sri Lanka

Sinharaja Forest Reserve, Sri Lanka, feb 2019

A beutiful foggy sunrise and wintermorning. Unedited (Pixel 5).

En nydelig tåkete soloppgang en vintermorgen. Uredigert (Pixel 5)

Sanvika, Norway, dec 2021

My first ever YouTube video - a Eurasian Red Squirrel at my bird feeding station. /

Min aller første YouTube video, den ble av et ekorn på foringsplassen.

Holmestrand, Norway, jan 2022

Mrs Goulds Sunbird / Aethopyga gouldiae / Purpurkronesolfugl

Not my sharpest photo..., but what a bueatiful bird! / 

Ikke mitt skarpeste bilde..., men for en vakker fugl !!

Da Lat, Assam, Vietnam, mar 2011

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Instagram photo / foto 2021

Eastern Towhee / Pipilo erythropthalmus / Rødsidetovi

Catfish Creek Preserve, Florida, 2013

Worthog / Phacochoerus africanus / Vortesvin

uMkhuze Game Reserve, part of iSamangaliso WP / WHS, Kwazulu-Natal, South-Africa, 2009

Common Linnet / Carduelis cannabina / Tornirisk

Løgstør, Denmark, 2015

Magpie Lark / Grallina cyanoleuca / Skjærelerke

Palm Cove, Queensland, Australia, 2016

SIlver-washed Fritillary / Argynnis paphia / Keiserkåpe

Mølen, Asker, Norway, 2015

Mandarin Duck / Aix galericulata / Mandarinand

Landfalløya, Drammen, Norway, 2021

Southern Brown-throated Weaver / Ploceus xanthopterus / Brunstrupevever

iSamangaliso Wetlands Park / WHS, Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa, 2017

Eastern Black-and-white Colobus / Guereza

Lake Naivasha, Rift Valley, kenya, 2012

Great Reed Warbler / Trostesanger / Acrocephalus arundinaceus

Parque Natural el Hondo, Elche, Alicante, Spain, 2016

Snowy Egret / Snøhegre / Egretta thula

Lilltle Estero Lagoon area, Fort Myers Beach, Florida, USA, 2012

Real old-fashioned winter / ordentlig gammeldags vinter /  -15 degrees C

Vestskauen, Sande i Vestfold og Telemark, Norge (Norway), jan 2021

Actually there was a dipper living in this stream / Det var faktisk en fossekall i denne lille elva !


Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Instagram photo / foto - 2020

Short-toed Rock-thrush / Sølvpannesteintrost / Monticola brevipes

Khorixas, Kunene (Damaraland), Namibia, 2014
Background is a wall / Bakgrunnen er en vegg :-)

Lesser Crested Tern / Bengalterne / Thalasseus bengalensis

Nungwi Beach, Zanzibar, Tanzania, 2015

Black Rhinoceros / Spissneshorn / Diceros bicornis

Safari, Rift Valley, Kenya, 2015

Orange-breasted Green-pigeon / Tobeltegrønndue / Treron bicinctus

Safari Udawalawe National Park, Sri Lanka, feb 2019

Guira Cuckoo / Guiragjøk / Guira cantara

Walk / gåtur i Reserva Ecologica Costanera Sur, Buenos Aires, Argentina, jan 2020

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Lake Nakuru National Park, Kenya

This is probably one of the easiest accessible real Africa locations from Europe, only two-three hours drive from the Airport in Nairobi, Kenya!

Below is some pictures from the small National Park at Lake Nakuru, located centrally in the Rift Vallay basin in Western Kenya. A small real Africa experience!

Large amounts of both flamingo species and pelicans is typically present,  Lake Nakuru, 2012
The road from Nairobi is heavy trafficked, and you will as well pass exciting parks like Nairobi National Park (close to the airport!), Lake Naivasha (freshwater), Hells Gate National Park and Aberdare National Park. So if you have a week, a lot of unique African nature is available in a very concentrated area.

 A pair of White Rhino, the local subspecies extinct, imported from Southern Africa, Lake Nakuru NP, 2015
The area is freightening small, and circles aroud the small Lake Nakuru. The Main gate to the park is litterally in the city of Nakuru, a quite typical kenyan railway station town. The lake itself is saline, with no outlet! Three creeks/rivers enter the lake, that might fluctuate. The old main gate (2012) was under water in 2015, and a new receptiona area is raised on the hill behild the lake.

Lake Nakuru National Parke is part of a UNESCO World Heritage Site covering the Rift Valley lakes.

Yellow wagtail, a winter visitor, Lake Nakuru NP, January 2015
Depending on budget, the preferred place to stay is Lion Hill Lodge, situated in the northern hills of the park. Here they have bird feeders as well as one of the better lodge restaurants in Kenya. The lodge is inside the park, but fenced in so it is a safe and exiting place!

Savanna and woodland, with zebras, Lake Nakuru NP, Kenya 2012
The small park have mot classical african mammals well known from the savannas further south. Here you can find both rhino species, giraffe, buffalo, hippo, zebra, antilope species and over 400 species of birds! Lion and leopards may occor. But there are no elephants!

Common Impala bull, Lake Nakuru NP, Kenya 2015

White-browed Robin-chat,  Lions Hill, Lake Nakuru NP, Kenya 2015
Augurd Buzzard,  Kenya, 2012
Rising water flooding the southern side of the park, Lake Nakuru NP, Kenya, 2015
Yellow-billed Stork and one Marabou Stork, Lake Nakuru NP, 2015
White Rhino,  Lake Nakuru NP, Kenya, 2012
Verrauxs Eagle-Owl, Lake Nakuru, Kenya, 2012
Giraffes in akacia woodland, Lake Nakuru NP, Kenya, 2012
Plains Zebra, Lake Nakuru NP, Kenya 2015

Lanner Falcon, Lake Nakuru, Kenya, 2015

No doubt where you are!