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Short updates and photos from our nature; mammals & birds; travel. To inspire a better protection of the nature of the world!
My YouTube:
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More butterflies to come!
Flere sommerfugler skal det bli!
Sandvika, Norway, 2019
Ring-necked (Common) Pheasant / Phasianus colchicus / Fasan
Fantastic colours on this male pheasant on a bird feeding station
Utrolige fargespill i fjærene på denne fasanen på en foringsplass
Holmestrand, Norway, mar 2022
One of the rarest bird we have seen, newly discovered in some rainforest patches in Sri Lanka!
En av de sjeldneste fuglene vi har sett, nylig oppdaget i noen rester av regnskog på Sri Lanka
Sinharaja Forest Reserve, Sri Lanka, feb 2019
En nydelig tåkete soloppgang en vintermorgen. Uredigert (Pixel 5)
Sanvika, Norway, dec 2021
My first ever YouTube video - a Eurasian Red Squirrel at my bird feeding station. /
Min aller første YouTube video, den ble av et ekorn på foringsplassen.
Holmestrand, Norway, jan 2022
Mrs Goulds Sunbird / Aethopyga gouldiae / Purpurkronesolfugl
Not my sharpest photo..., but what a bueatiful bird! /
Ikke mitt skarpeste bilde..., men for en vakker fugl !!
Da Lat, Assam, Vietnam, mar 2011
Large amounts of both flamingo species and pelicans is typically present, Lake Nakuru, 2012 |
A pair of White Rhino, the local subspecies extinct, imported from Southern Africa, Lake Nakuru NP, 2015 |
Yellow wagtail, a winter visitor, Lake Nakuru NP, January 2015 |
Savanna and woodland, with zebras, Lake Nakuru NP, Kenya 2012 |
Common Impala bull, Lake Nakuru NP, Kenya 2015 |
White-browed Robin-chat, Lions Hill, Lake Nakuru NP, Kenya 2015 |
Augurd Buzzard, Kenya, 2012 |
Rising water flooding the southern side of the park, Lake Nakuru NP, Kenya, 2015 |
Yellow-billed Stork and one Marabou Stork, Lake Nakuru NP, 2015 |
White Rhino, Lake Nakuru NP, Kenya, 2012 |
Verrauxs Eagle-Owl, Lake Nakuru, Kenya, 2012 |
Giraffes in akacia woodland, Lake Nakuru NP, Kenya, 2012 |
No doubt where you are! |